Art on Set of Dallas TV Series. Natalie pictured with Bobby Ewing and JR Ewing. The world finally found out Who Shot JR… the answer was revealed by a hidden secret behind one of Erwin's Paintings!
Dallas Morning News-FD Luxe
Fort Worth Star Telegram - Indulge
D Magazine Feature
February 20, 2008
Sit, Doggie, Sit
Natalie Erwin
Dog Portrait Series
Someone's a cutie. Aww, you're the best little baby girl. You like your tummy rubbed? Hey, where you goin'? Sometimes even the pooch needs some alone time. Luckily, you don't have to take a break from her, too. With a dog portrait from Natalie Erwin, you can admire your animal all day long, even when you must take your paws off her. The sought-after local artist comes to your home, plays with the pup, and gets to know her person-, er, dogality. Then she paints your four-legged friend lounging on her favorite pillow or posing in another choice spot. Need more puppy love? Natalie tucks a handwritten note from your pet into the back of the frame. You know, like a thanks for throwing her a bone. Natalie Erwin (817-832-1981 or
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March 5, 2005
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